So what do spies, cigars, and Sufi’s share in common? Welcome to Grigori’s Diary—a story about a disenchanted CIA officer who discovers an unexpected secret during his pursuit to recruit a mysterious Russian professor.
The story concept originated from a humorous thought about what an uninitiated person might think if they read someone’s spiritual work journal with its catalogue of self-observations, intimations, third-person references to identity, etc. In the role of vocation, the author works occasionally in locations were national security services are known for invasive curiosity of foreigners working in security capacities.
Just some fun expressing spiritual work ideas in the form of a screenplay.
For those new to reading screenplays, here’s a key to some terms:
- INT. – Interior (e.g., building, room ,etc.)
- EXT. – Exterior (i.e., outdoors)
- (V.O.) – Voice over. Used to indicate dialogue spoken by someone not currently seen on screen.
- (BEAT) – Indicates a pause in speaking.
- (45) – Age of the character. Only used when a new character is introduced in the story.
- SUPER: – Text superimposed on the screen.
An invitation for your input...
An idea recently emerged about converting the screenplay story into a graphic novel format. After experimenting with illustration techniques, I’ve arrived at a stage where feedback from others regarding the illustration style would be very helpful. Following are some concept images from locations depicted in the story (with no characters or extra treatments yet).
The images are illustrated with three levels of detail (No Extra Detail, Minor Extra Detail, and Extra Detail). Which level of detail in the examples do you prefer?
Your input is most appreciated! If you wish to comment, please send a message through our contact form.

No Extra Detail
Grigori continues on a darkened street toward Gare du Bruxelles- Nord station. A handful of rowdy youth call out in a harassing manner as Grigori passes. Grigori waves and keeps walking in stride. Cooper, now wearing a sweater, no goatee, and different hat, keeps a loose following distance.

Minor Extra Detail
Entrance to Brussels Central station. No one in sight. Hard rain pounds the ground as Cooper and Grigori stand in refuge under the cover of a vestibule. Cooper shakes Grigori’s hand.

Extra Detail
Grigori exits Bruxelles-Schuman station followed by Cooper.

No Extra Detail
Grigori stands amidst a small crowd watching a group of street performers at the Fontaine Charles Buls. Music fills the air. Restaurant tables surrounding the square are filled with lively tourists. Cooper stalks the rear of the vibrant crowd while maintaining eyes on Grigori.

No Extra Detail
Grigori and Cooper approach the entrance of the Dominican Hotel.

No Extra Detail
Cooper and Grigori arrive at the terminal of Gare Central station. The ticket kiosk is closed for the night. Two people rush for the stairs to catch a train on the platform below. Cooper waits a moment until they’re gone. Cooper’s tone is serious and quiet now.

Minor Extra Detail
Rhondell’s car pulls over. As Cooper gets out, Rhondell leans over and extends his business card.

Minor Extra Detail
Grigori and Cooper stroll through the Parc De Bruxelles. The overcast sky is giving way to sunshine.

Extra Detail
Cooper continues walking on Rue du Marché aux Herbes. As he begins to pass the entrance of the Les Galeries Royales Saint- Hubert, he receives another text message from Grigori.

Extra Detail
The interior of the nineteenth-century arcade is dense with people shopping upscale stores and eating at open air restaurant tables under an enclosed canopy of tall skylights. Cooper navigates the crowd searching for Grigori. Foxtrot Two follows Cooper into the Galeries.
The three levels of detail side-by-side. Click an image to view full-size.
A quick test example with a character and text bubbles.